Neuroot (EU), Hacker, Persecutor & Whose Reality? @ LAST CHANCE
Neuroot (EU), Hacker, Persecutor & Whose Reality? @ LAST CHANCE

Neuroot (EU), Hacker, Persecutor & Whose Reality? @ LAST CHANCE

The Last Chance Rock & Roll Bar (North Melbourne, VIC)
Saturday, 15 March 2025 7:00 pm
3 days away
18 Plus

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Neuroot attacks Naarm!! Hailing from Holland. Founded in 1981 and is often regarded as one of the best bands in the golden era of European HC Punk. Reformed in 2012 they have been busy touring all around the world, finally making their way to so called Australia!! Come show your support to international hc. Supporting them are future primitives Poison Idea tinge HC HACKER, power violence heavyweights PERSECUTOR and new Swedish hc ala Mob 47/ Totalitar upstarts WHOSE REALITY?