The Krugers, Cold Red Mute, TVB+ Christian Black's 50th Birthday
The Krugers, Cold Red Mute, TVB+ Christian Black's 50th Birthday

The Krugers, Cold Red Mute, TVB+ Christian Black's 50th Birthday

The Last Chance Rock & Roll Bar (North Melbourne, VIC)
Saturday, 26 April 2025 3:00 pm
45 days away
18 Plus
Metal / Hard Rock
Heavy Metal

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Strap yourselves in people for a Saturday arvo of high octane beer fuelled Rock n’ Roll Mayhem with Outlaw Rock n’ Rollers the Krugers; punk – stoner - metal hybrid mutants Cold Red Mute and TVB+ (The louder, heavier and tougher red-headed stepchild of The Victim's Ball) celebrating filthy rock beast Christian Black’s 50th birthday  YYYEEAAAHHH!!!!